Saturday, December 8, 2007

Juggling Juggernaut

It rained the other day and Arnold trailed mud and matted grass into the house after going out to poop. The bathroom floor is stamped with bear-like paw prints. He hangs out there. It's cool to his tummy. Arnold is a newfy, just turned four and weighs 185 lbs. His vet is livid that I've not been able to bring his weight down. I have to bungee cord the fridge whenever I leave the house. Arnold opens it and helps himself to the rotisserie chicken and apple sausages. He even closes the fridge door behind him so that I can't really tell he's raided the contents until I get to the living room and find plastic food containers strewn about. Arnold doesn't care for the sockeye salmon. He takes it out for the cats. I find little cat nibbles on the edges of the filet. Animal antics.

There's a teacup from last evening's chamomile, a mug from this morning's coffee, a teaspoon and fork, and a dinner plate unwashed in the kitchen sink.

Meanwhile, I'm blogging. The tv's on and the usual pundits are parsing the words of Romney's "I am a Mormon" speech. My gmail is open in another window and I see emails forwarding into my Outlook. My faculties are fully engaged -- I'm thinking, I'm creating, I'm writing, I'm listening, I'm arguing with the tv, shaking my fist in the air, and giving the middle-finger to Tucker Carlson. All at the same time. I'm multi-tasking!

There's a heap of laundry in the bedroom. I say to myself, "manana." It's been manana for a couple of semanas now.

By now, I've accepted quite a few LinkedIn invitations, read a bunch of messages on Facebook, joined more online causes, signed up for the 6 degrees of separation experiment, scribbled on Fun Walls, watched youtube, dragged and dropped emails into newly color-labeled folders, moderated a few posts, tried out a new widget on Grouply, and I am feeling the elation of accomplishment!

Ah, but where did the time go? It's almost dusk and yesterday's mud is now caked solid. I've run out of clean panties to wear. Arnold's devoured my protein supply. Really, all I've done today is put on lipstick and sit on my butt.

So much for the myth of superwoman.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, spoken, or in this instance, blogged like a true Gemini. Oh, Arnold, what a not-so-little rascal! LoL

Anonymous said...

Arnold the cat hero.