Wouldn’t life be just so, so super?
Ralph Marston's message today is all about taking action. A good thing. Because this morning I’m feeling inaction. A very long time ago I emailed Ralph asking him for permission to reprint his message on my blog but he hasn’t responded. I don’t think he reads his email. Now, I can add a hyperlink to his site, which I’ve done here and over there in my first sentence to give him proper attribution. Think he’ll get mad? He charges to have his daily messages emailed to you, but you can always go to his site and read his messages for free. So, friends… introducting the one and only Ralph Marston!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Your Actions
Whether something is possible or impossible for you depends more on what you do about it than on any other factor. Your persistent, focused action is what brings possibilities to life.
Certainly there are obstacles that stand in your way. And you can choose to use those obstacles as excuses for not taking action.
Or, you can choose to get up, get motivated and get busy working your way toward the results you seek. Once you begin to take action, the obstacles lose their power to stop you and instead become steps along the pathway to achievement.
The actions necessary for success can often seem to be difficult, complicated, inconvenient, embarrassing, uncomfortable, tiresome or demeaning. Realize that those undesirable qualities are, for the most part, mere inventions of your mind, and your choice to take action will override them every time.
When you know what you must do, then go ahead and make it happen. Stop focusing on the excuses and start moving toward real, valuable achievement.
Your actions have the power to change your life and to change your world. Make full use of them, and fulfill your greatest dreams.
Well, I better go and pay my cable bill so I can watch the re-run of The Big Bang Theory tonight. Get it? My cable's been locked out.
Time to take action.
Gimme an A!
Gimme a C!
Gimme a T!
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